Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Gears of War: Hidden Pleasures


Marcus crouched behind his cover. He knew what was on the other side. Terror and fear was not running through him though, just curiousity and the knowledge of the consequences of satisfaction. Peaking over, he caught a glimpse of the Kantus standing five yards away from him. It was tall and lanky, this struck Marcus as appealing. Sure, the drones and the grenadiers had their qualities, but they lacked the charisma of the Kantus. The Kantus had a style that none of the other grubs could achieve. Then, out of no where, he heard a whistle. It must be from the ink grenade that he was spinning. That was the only thing that Marcus did not want to choke on from the Kantus. Action needs to be taken, he jumped and aimed his lancer. He shot a whole clip before his advesary went down. He walked over to the corpse and knelt down to confirm the kill.

"I'm sorry to destroy your beauty." Marcus said as he closed the eye lids of the Kantus. Standing up, he realized that he was trying to hold back tears. Dom came rushing in and saw Marcus standing over the body of a once living and vibrant locust.

"Marcus, are you okay?" he asked rubbing Marcus's shoulders, "I heard gun shots and was worried. I would just hate to find you dead one of these days."

"I'm fine, but he's dead and what is it all worth, Dom? We could of been a grand kingdom full of love and understanding! Just think of what we could experience and accomplish with the locust as friends, neighbors and lovers!" Marcus was now crying and so was Dom. They held on to eachother tightly, never wanting to let go.

"I... I... I just can't stand the thought of... of... you dead." Dom had to take gasps of air between sobs, "Please, don't ever leave me. Since I had to shoot Maria in the head with a boltok pistol, you were the only thing left to live for."

"You know Dom..." Marcus started, "...everyone of the grubs that I have regretfully killed, I killed each and everyone just for you." after said that, their eyes met. Both were lost for words from that point out. They knew what needed to be done.

"MARCUS, DOM!!!" it was Hoffman. He was always known as a mood killer, that was for sure. He walked in with Baird and Cole following behind him. "I see you killed yourself a Kantus! Good work Fenix, you are indeed an excellent example of a locust killing maching!" Baird walked up and could sense that their had been some kind of tension in the room prior to their arrival.

"Jesus fuck guys!!!! Looks like you ladies were about to give that lousy grub an approriate funeral. You jack offs aren't getting soft on us, are you?" Baird said in his usual condescending tone. Then he pulled out his snub pistol and unloaded a clip into the Kantus's head. Dom looked away in horror as Marcus blinded himself by putting his head into Doms chest. "Rot in hell Grub!" Baird said with a haunting laugh that gave Dom goosebumps.

Breathing heavily due to all the adreanaline Baird just endured while mutilating the head of the Kantus, he looked up at Cole. Cole in turn gave him a smile, and a wink of his left eye. They stood there a second, just staring at eachother. Dom and Marcus were locked into eachothers arms, sobbing. Hoffman stood straight up, looking at the Kantus and thinking about Bernie. Dom finally broke the silence, "Geez Baird, that was unnecessay. Why do you have to be such a monster?"

Baird looked up with a confused expression on his face. "Are you serious?" he asked, "These beasts tortured your hot wife till she was nothing but a completely unfuckable bag of bones and you stand here calling me a monster! How dare you Dom, how dare you!" Dom doubled over crying. Marcus comforted him. Baird turned around and walked out. Hoffman followed with Cole.


It was early in the morning. Anya just finished her breakfast and was ready to start the day. She held on to hopes that Bernie will show her how to get head shots with the longshot rifle. "I hope I get to see Marcus today," she said as Bernie walked into her room, "but he is always with Dom."

"I think in good time, Marcus will see what he has before him." Bernie said. But she knew it was all bull shit. Marcus had his eyes set on only one person, and he will never devote himself to Anya. "So you ready to shoot some heads off of some Grubs?"

"Oh yeah! I've been thinking about it all night. So excited, I had a hard time sleeping you know!" Anya jumped up from the table, held her arms out with both hands together in a form of a gun, "BANG BANG!!! You're dead Skorge!" She shouted, "I bet I am going to be good at shooting!" Anya said as she hopped up and down. Bernie put her arm around Anya's shoulders, in an effort to get Anya to hold still. As soon as they walked outside, Anya darted across the yard. She than started to spin around real fast with her arms stretched out. "Look at me Bernie, I am a King Raven. Fufufufufufuf!"

"That is very nice Anya!" Bernie yelled back. Poor girl, she thought to herself. Ever since she saw Dom and Marcus making out while Baird and Cole watched, she has never been the same. She some how regressed back into a little child full of denial. Than out of nowhere, the ground shook. Bernie knew exactly what was happening. She got on the radio and yelled, "WE GOT AN EMERGENCE HOLE!!!!"

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